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Digital Advertising Association Membership

What Do You Get As A DAA Member?

Premium Content

Show your knowledge and apply for an accredited certificate that is currently powering thousands of digital marketing agencies worldwide.

Badge Of Accreditation

Earn a DAA badge for your digital marketing agency and use it to present your skills in the field.


Join the 1% of digital marketing professionals that have already earned their certificates; giving their respective business more credibility.

We Have Over 37,000+ Members that trust Digital Advertising Association To Power Up Their Digital Marketing Agencies

The Digital Advertising Association has over 37,000 certified members internationally. In conjunction with standing alongside the top professionals in the marketing field, you will also be joining a network of people that are currently on their own journey to building a digital marketing agency with similar passion and discipline.

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Join More Than 37K Members In Obtaining your Award Winning Digital Marketing Certificates.

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You can create a free account and join thousands of Digital Marketers that are working towards getting their certificates.